OM3 - EPI-2 LOcaL IntErfacE MOduLE
InstallatIon and MaIntenance InstructIons
1. OPtIOnaL MOduLE 3:
LOcaL IntErfacE MOduLE
1.1 LocaL Interface functIonaLIty
the OM3 Local Interface module is supplied as
an option on Keystone EPI-2 actuators and fits
all models.
It is possible to receive the actuator already
equipped with the OM3 if ordered together with
the basic version. alternatively, only for the
water proof version, it is possible to order the
OM3 as a separate kit to be installed afterwards
on the basic actuator.
the subsequent retrofitting of the OM3 on
existing EPI-2 is not allowed in the explosion
proof version.
the OM3 is an optional module allowing
local control with the following additional
EPI-2 actuator must be electrically isolated before
any disassembling and reassembling operations.
Before any disassembling or reassembling
operations, please follow in detail the relevant
paragraph of the basic installation and operating
manual (latest revision available).
The electronic parts of the EPI-2 actuators
and all optional modules can be damaged by a
discharge of static electricity. Before you start,
touch a grounded metal surface to discharge
any static electricity.
EPI-2 actuators can be operated through a
Bluetooth™ PDA or PC with the following
• The commands are enabled by Bluetooth,
only when the BT control is active.
When operating with Bluetooth™, the controls
via PDA or PC have priority on any other remote
commands and allow full actuator operability
from a distance also when the valve is not
visible. Special attention must be paid under
this condition to avoid any damages or injuries
to people working close to the valve. Keystone
will not accept any responsibility for damages
or injuries caused by an improper use of your
Bluetooth™ PDA or PC.
Repair work, other than operations outlined in this
manual, is strictly reserved to qualified Pentair
personnel or to personnel authorized by the
company itself.
It is assumed that the installation, configuration,
commissioning, maintenance and repair works
are carried out by qualified personnel and
checked by responsible specialists.
1.2 Manufacturer
Manufacturer with respect to Machinery
directive 2006/42/Ec: Biffi Italia as specified
on the actuator label.
The present IOM has to be considered
integral part of the IOM for the basic EPI-2,
doc. ref. VCIOM-02881.
For decommissioning instructions, please refer
to the relevant chapter in the EPI-2 manual
ref. VCIOM-02881.
© 2012 Pentair plc. all rights reserved.
VcIoM-01496-en 15/02
1 Optional module 3:
Local Interface module .................................. 1
2 Installation ...................................................... 2
3 description of OM3 Local Interface ............... 4
4 to locally operate the actuator ...................... 4
5 OM3 wiring diagram ....................................... 5
6 Identification.................................................... 6
7 Safety instructions .......................................... 7
8 Installation ...................................................... 8
9 Special maintenance ...................................... 8
• Selection of Local/Remote actuator
control through the selector (lockable in
both positions).
• Open/Close command through the non
intrusive push-buttons.
• Actuator position indication by means
of 2 LEds.