LED - Color Assignments
17.2. Blinking pattern & fault signaling
The LEDs flash in different "flashing patterns" in the event of a fault or in various states:
Blinking patterns
100 ms
100 ms
Flashes three times
in the corresponding
color for that
Teach-In confirmation (after successful teaching:
the color for position 1 and 2 is continuously on)
Flashes three times
in the corresponding
fault color:
if target is not in the measuring range during teaching
- if teach position is too close (±0.5 mm) to a previously
defined teach position or
- if magnetic manual control is used, even though manual
control function was disabled by software
250 ms
250 ms
permanent flashing
in the
fault color:
- Teaching does not occur
- Teach Reset implemented or
- bus error
- Device Reset implemented
permanent flashing
in the
color for that position:
Signal from position 3
(also signal of the external initiator S4 if the function
„cycle stroke color S3/S4 different“ is active)
450 ms
50 ms
Internal Fault (fault color)
50 ms
450 ms
Service mode / manual operating mode active
(fault color)
500 ms
500 ms
Feedback Field Mode active
(all 3 colors simultaneously for 10 s)
125 ms
125 ms
Signal from the external initiator S4
(same as "color for position 3" if the function „cycle
stroke color S3/S4 different“ is not active)
1 s
3 s
Signal in fault color (and additionally
color of the corresponding valve position):
Service/maintenance notification required
3 s
3 s
Feedback Field Mode - change of the feedback fields
completed successfully
(T3 - yellow, T2 - green, T1 - red)