VI. Maintenance
Kreepy Kadet requires almost no maintenance. Visually inspect your Kreepy Kadet from time to time to
make sure that:
• The flapper is moving freely and is not obstructed by debris.
• The footpad is not excessively worn. When the traction pads on the bottom have worn down, it is time
for replacement.
• The guide wheel is not excessively worn.
We recommend that you leave Kreepy Kadet in your pool, except during chemical shock treatments.
During swimming it is easy to unplug Kreepy Kadet and pull it to one side.
When storing Kreepy Kadet, do not coil the hose. Lay the hose out flat in an area protected from
direct sunlight. If hose sections are disconnected, try not to disturb the hose weight location.
To ensure optimum performance from your Kreepy Kadet, we recommend the use of blue sectional
hose by Pentair Pool Products.
VII. Customer Service
Your satisfaction is important to us, so we’re happy to help you get the best performance possible from
your new Kreepy Kadet. This manual covers the standard performance adjustments, which may apply
to your pool. If you still need help, call our Customer Helpline at 1-800.443-5711. Please have your
Kreepy Kadet serial number ready when you call.
Disclaimer of Liability –
About Your Pool and Kreepy Kadet.
Th e re are a multitude of fa c t o rs that contri bute to the life of your pool. The Kre epy Kadet product is a ve ry
p a s s ive product that will have no impact on pool life.
Please be awa re that , over time, d e t e ri o rat i o n , d i s c o l o rat i o n , and brittleness of pool plaster can be caused
s ep a rat e ly by, or in combination with, age, an imbalance in pool water ch e m i s t ry, i m p roper installat i o n , a n d
other fa c t o rs. An automatic pool cleaner such as Kre epy Kadet, will not re m ove or cause wear on “ go o d ” p o o l
p l a s t e r. In fa c t , the opposite is true—pool plaster will eve n t u a l ly cause wear on the cl e a n e r.
The same situation holds true for vinyl-lined inground swimming pools, because vinyl liners are also affe c t e d
by the env i ronment and fa c t o rs such as pool water ch e m i s t ry, sunlight and the pool’s surroundings. Th e re fo re
over time, v i nyl can become brittle and weak. In add i t i o n , v i nyl-lined pools are affected by the wo rk m a n s h i p ,
composition and installation of the liner; and wo rkmanship and quality of construction of the supporting wa l l s
and pool base. These are all fa c t o rs wh i ch can contri bute to liner fa i l u re. The existence of any of these type of
conditions in your pool is not caused by the use or operation of Kre epy Kadet. The manu fa c t u rer discl a i m s
a ny liability for rep a i rs or replacement to any of these stru c t u res or components of the customer’s pool.
The pool owner must assume all responsibility for the condition and maintenance of the pool’s surfa c e,
water and deck .
Summary of Contents for Kreepy kadet
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