Pelactiv Ultrasonic System
Pre-Treatment Checklist
There are a few contra indications to using the Pelactiv Ultrasonic Serum
System; this is because every treatment we do needs a little extra thought so
that we can get the best results. The following are some situations that are to
be taken into consideration before we start.
Have you taken antibiotics for acne?
Eg: Roaccutane?
- If yes, the skin will be very sensitive. The client will need to have been off the
antibiotics for a minimum of 3 months to allow the skin can normalise. If the
client has only taken a one-month course, a 6-week break is recommended
before commencing a treatment using the Pelactiv Ultrasonic Serum System.
Are you taking any painkillers?
Eg: Panadol OR strong medication?
- Painkillers and certain forms of medications make the skin more sensitive or
stop the skin from feeling any sensations. This may cause the treatment to
be less predictable. Avoid performing a treatment using Pelactiv Ultrasonic
Serum System until you have received the OK from your clients GP.
Do you ever have cold sores?
- If yes, ask if they have had one in the last two weeks. Any treatment will
stimulate the circulation in the skin, which can activate the virus (Herpes
Simplex). If a cold sore develops delay all further treatments until the virus
has healed, usually 2-3 weeks. Do not perform a treatment is a client has an
active lesion as it may cause the virus to spread.
Have you had any waxing in the last 24 hours?
- The area will be hypersensitive so it must be avoided during the treatment.
Have you had electrolysis in the last 24 hours?
- If yes, the area will be sensitive. You may treat it but need to do so gently.
Have you been to a sauna, solarium or had a hot bath in the last 2 hours?
- The increase in circulation from heat can increase receptivity in the skin and
cause the treatment to be less predictable.
Have you exercised in the last 2 hours?
- Exercise will increase blood flow and therefore increase sensitivity. No
strenuous exercise should occur before a treatment. Advise against exercise
between 2-6 hours after treatment. Ask your client to stay cool and calm
after their treatment wherever possible.