also be set to be repeated. This setting is ignored when the truncate number is more than the barcode
data charact
ers. The option of “FF” for this setting is not active while the option of Truncate leading G5
string setting is “00”.
Example: Truncate all leading zeros for all symbols.
Original code data
“0 0012 3456”
Output code data
“1 2345 6”
Steps: scan the following data in order.
Testing barcode:
Truncate ending G4 string setting:
By setting, a defined ending character or string can be truncated.
Also a single character can be un-defined.
Repeat of a G4 character setting:
While G5 is set as a single defined/un-defined character, G4 can
also be set to be repeated. This setting is ignored when the truncate number is more than the barcode
ta characters. The option of “FF” for this setting is not active while the option of Truncate ending G4
string setting is “00”.
Single character C1/C2 replacement:
By setting, a defined character in the data string can be replaced
by another defined character. The C1 and C2 replacement are applied simultaneously.
Example: Replace all the “A” character in a data string to be “B” character.
Original code data
“1 23A5A”
Output code data
“1 23B5B”
Steps: scan the following barcodes in order. The
ASCII value for “A” is 41, and the ASCII value for “B”
is 42.
Testing barcode: