Pump parts, and the tools and rigging equipment
used in installation, are heavy and may easily cause
personal injury if dropped or carelessly handled. The
normal precautions and safety rules associated with
the erection of heavy machinery, in regard to manual
lifting, use of power equipment, and handling of
tools, must be observed in the installation of this
Petroleum-base cleaning solvents are flammable.
Open flame or smoking by personnel in the vicinity
of these solvents is extremely hazardous and must
not be permitted.
Do not work under a suspended object unless there
is a positive support under it to stop its fall in event
of sling or hoist failure. Disregard of this warning
could result in grave personal injury.
Before attempting repairs to pump open the
disconnect switch to electric motor. This prevents
accidental running of pump motor. Starting motor
during pump repair activities could damage
The pumps described in this bulletin must not be
installed in any manner except as specified herein,
and must not be operated at speeds, capacities,
pressures, or temperatures other than those for
which this specific model was originally designed. If
unsure or unknown, request this information from
Peerless Pump, giving the pump serial number as
Units are designed for continuous duty submerged
in liquids containing a maximum solid content 10%
by weight to 90% liquid normally encountered in
sewage lift or sump pump applications and limited
to corrosion limits of standard materials of construc-
tion. 40 dC [105dF] maximum liquid temperature.
Motors less than 1 hp. Labeled CI. 1 Group D are
supplied with a cautionary nameplate and are
suitable only when vapor or gas ignition tempera-
tures are 280dC or greater
Check carefully
to see that all of the equipment has been received.
Report immediately any shortages or damages to the
noting the extent of the damage or shortage on the
freight bill and bill of lading. Do not leave the unit
exposed to weather or construction hazards. The
pump may become mechanically damaged. This
pump is a well designed and carefully manufactured
and may cause personal injury.
Disconnect power supply before attempting to
change connections in the starter. There is danger
of fatal electrical shock when working with
energized connections.
Disconnect the power supply before removing the
motor connection chamber to change connection.
There is danger of fatal electrical shock when
working with energized leads.
Do not use motor electrical cable to lift or lower
sewage pump. Use the pump lugs provided to attach
sling or cable for lifting and lowering pump into
basin. Electrical cable strains may cause equipment
malfunction, damage, and personal injury or death.
Tie the disconnect switch open or remove fuses
from lines before attempting to remove pump from
the basin. Attach a card “DO NOT CLOSE SWITCH-
PUMP REPAIR IN PROGRESS.” Disregard of this
warning may result in fatal electrical shock
All units must be provided with a magnetic
across-the-line motor starter. The motor thermal
protector must be wired in series with the pump
liquid level controller and starter contactor holding
coil for motor warranty to be valid.
The motor thermal protectors are limited to control
circuits in which the maximum current does not
exceed the following values.
Volts Amps Inrush Amps
110-220 3.00 30.0
220-240 1.50 15.0
440-480 .75 7.5
575 .60 6.0
Violation of this warning will void the warranty and
may result in serious property damage or grave
personal injury.
unit. It should be given the same attention accorded
to any precision machine.
The satisfactory operation of a pump depends to a
large extent upon proper installation. These instruct-
tions cannot answer every question that may arise as
each installation will be different. The installer and
the operator of this equipment must use good
judgment to adapt these procedures to the installation.