Testing / Confirmation Steps
PedigreeTechnologies.com |
Support: (701)-499-0022
Call Pedigree Technologies installation support to confirm and finalize the installation.
You will be prompted for the following information during the set up process
• Device IMEI
• Name of Asset (ex. Goosneck 51)
• Make and Model
• SN/VIN #
• License plate #
1. Place the AT-130 on a flat surface as shown below
2. Remove the pin from the resting location and insert it in the notch labled “Device Activation”
to activate the device reporting. If pin is not placed in the Device Activation notch, the device
will NOT start to report!
Pin is not needed after activation. Keep if desired.
3. Leave the activation pin in the device for a full 15 seconds (the pin will fall out if moved)
Wait 5 minutes after installing/activating the device before calling Pedigree Technologies
installation support. This will give the device time to send a reading.
Pin resting location
Device Activation location