MIDI System Exclusive Commands
are used to do all kinds of things that standard commands don’t handle.
The Invective uses Sysex for things like backing up or restoring the 9 user presets, or transferring them to a 2nd
NOTE: Except where noted below
these messages when received will NOT be echoed to the MIDI Out jack.
BUT if the message does not have the
matching MIDI channel
of the first amp, it
WILL echo
it in case the 2nd
amp matches.
F0h 00h 00h 1Bh 16h MIDI
00h F7h
When the amp receives this command, it will send a 9-preset dump message (see below) to the MIDI Out jack. If
connected to another Invective’s In jack (and that amp on same MIDI channel), the presets will be copied to that
amp. Connect the MIDI Out to a storage device to backup your 9 custom presets.
9-preset dump: F0h 00h 00h 1Bh 16h MIDI chan - 1 01h 36 nibbleized bytes F7h
(receive or send)
(presets 0-8)
When the amp receives this command, it will overwrite the 9 custom presets with the data in the command (9
presets x 4 nibbleized bytes) - and ECHO the dump in case there is a 2nd amp connected to the MIDI Out (and
on the same MIDI channel). The amp will SEND this data if it receives the dump request above.
this dump can be initiated manually by holding the Channel 1 Drive button and pressing the Channel Select
dump request: F0h 00h 00h 1Bh 16h MIDI chan - 1 04h F7h
(no data)
When the amp receives this command, it will send a current setting dump message (below) to the MIDI Out
jack. The main purpose is for a PC editor to get the current audible setting to sync its display with the amp. This
setting could be different from any of the 9 presets if has been modified in Stomp mode and not stored yet.
dump: F0h 00h 00h 1Bh 16h MIDI chan - 1 05h 4 nibbleized bytes F7h
(current audible setting)
The amp will send this message when requested, but will ignore it if received. The current setting can be set easily
with controller or program change messages, so this method is not supported as an input message.
preset store: F0h 00h 00h 1Bh 16h MIDI chan - 1 06h preset # - 1
When the amp receives this command, it will save the current audible preset to one of the 9 custom presets. The
audible preset could be modified via MIDI CC commands. Once the preset is satisfactory, it can be saved to one
of the 9 custom locations with this command. That would be the method of remote control with a PC, or for cre-
ating an editor/librarian application. Message is echoed in case there is a 2nd amp on the same channel.