3 Setting up the YOUVI door station module
ted, open the
YOUVI settings
Auto start
and activate this feature.
Now switch on the Edit Mode and switch to the Dashboard.
Select the „Door station“ button and choose the door station you have just created. Confirm
the selection with the check mark.
When you have added the door station module to the Dashboard, a widget with informa-
tion about registration with the SIP server will appear. If this is successful, the door station
module is ready for use.
To test these settings, press the door bell on your door station. The door station widget
opens on the panel:
Functions of the widget:
Before accepting the call:
accept video call from the door station, reject, or open the door
After accepting the call:
make video call, open door, mute, end call, deactivate camera
Select a
of 5 predefined tunes or upload a ringtone in the tile settings of the Door
intercom widget
Define the duration of the ring tone in the tile settings of the Door intercom widget