PCAN-Wireless Gateway DR – User Manual
Use the button on the left side to select a configuration file (*. ini).
To start the restoration process, click the Import button located to
the right.
If you import a configuration file from another PCAN-
Gateway device that is in the same network, its IP address will
also be imported and loaded. Both devices would then have the
same IP address. This would cause an address conflict and
would result in both devices being non accessible.
In such a case, separate one device from the power supply. The
other device will then become accessible again and its IP
address can be changed manually. This will resolve the address
conflict and both devices can be used again.
Export Configuration:
With the Export button an ini file can be downloaded containing all
device configurations as well as all route settings.
The file can be freely renamed, the contents of the file however
should not be altered. Importing altered configuration files can lead
to failures during the import process. Only valid configuration files
can be used for device restoration.
Reload Default Settings:
With the Reload button you can restore the device to its factory
defaults. During this process the login settings, all device and
communication interface settings along with existing routes will be
restored to the states they were in at the time of product delivery.
The current configuration is overwritten within that process. In
addition, the access data will be reset to the default values (see the
label on the left side of the device). The PCAN-Gateway is then
reachable under the default IP address (