5-2. Real Time Tabular and Real Time Graph.
Select Run from menu or press from the tool bar to begin real time data collection from
humidity meter.
You can change the data interval by editing the sampling rate box on the right hand side of tool
bar (see figure 5.1).
5-3. Data
Select DataLogger from menu to load recorded data for humidity meter. There will be a progress
bar showing how many bytes should be loaded and how many bytes have been received. When
data is loaded successfully, there will be three new window show up. (see 5-2)
Data Sets Window – Display how many data sets were loaded and the detail information for each
data set (start date, start time, recording rate and data length), and you can click at any data set to
choose the set for graph and tabular Window.
5-4. For other operation instruction, please refer to the on-line help while executing TestLink.
"This instrument doesn’t have ATEX protection, so it should not be used in
potentially explosive atmospheres (powder, flammable gases)."
Data Sets