3. Use either My Computer or Windows Explorer to look at the
directory structure. You must use the Open command. Double-
clicking on the drive icon will not work.
4. Execute the EXE file name given in the description below.
The correct path name for each software driver is
provided, where
identifies the CD-ROM drive letter –
modify if necessary.
Bus Master IDE Driver
The IDE Bus Master Drivers allows the system to properly manage
the IDE channels on the mainboard.
Windows 9x – D:\IDE\SiS530\WIN9X\SETUP.EXE
Windows NT4.0 – D:\IDE\SiS530\NT
USB Driver
The USB Driver allows the system to recognize the USB ports on
the mainboard. You need to install this driver if you are running
Windows 95. This driver is available for:
Video Driver
The video drivers are available for Windows 95/98 and Windows
NT. Look for the folders in:
Sound Driver
The Sound driver allows the system to generate optimal sound
effects. This driver is available for:
DOS & Win3.x – D:\SOUND\Driver\DOSDrv\
Windows 9x – D:\SOUND\Driver\W95-98\Drv
Windows NT – D:\SOUND\Driver\NT40\Drv
There is also an Audio application program available for:
Windows 9x – D:\SOUND\Gamut\Audio Player