Property of Performance Aircraft Unlimited
Property of performance Aircraft Unlimited
We believe you will find this to be one of the finest flying scale Edge on the market. Most modelers will find
assembly of this aircraft simple and straightforward. We recommend the builder follow the step-by-step
instructions to achieve the best performance and to ensure nothing was over looked. This manual also includes
tip sections throughout that may help you in key areas during assembly. Please familiarize yourself with this
manual before assembly.
This aircraft is fairly large for a 50cc aircraft so users are cautioned of adding unnecessary accessories can add
to the aircrafts total weight. A little here and a little there, it all adds up! Keep it simple, keep it light!
This manual is broken down into ten chapters for simplicity:
Chapter 1 -
Parts Inventory
Chapter 2 -
Preparation for Assembly
Chapter 3 -
Landing Gear and Tail Wheel Assemblies
Chapter 4 -
Canopy and Fuselage Hatch
Chapter 5 -
Engine Installation
Chapter 6 -
Cowling Installation
Chapter 7 –
Control Surface Installation
Chapter 8 -
Hardware Installation
Chapter 9 -
Radio and Control Surface Setup
Chapter 10 -
Final Inspection and Pre-Flight
Additional items needed to complete this aircraft, which are not included:
An engine, within the recommend range, and propeller
8 channel computer radio and receiver recommended
Batteries and switches (with regulators if using Ion batteries)
Two aileron servos rated at least at 250oz of torque
Two elevator servos rated at least at 200oz of torque each
One or two rudder servo rated at least at 250oz of torque
One throttle servo with push rod and links
Optional choke servo with push rod and links
One fueling dot or fueling device
3 to 4 feet of fuel tubing
Foam rubber
inch spinner
30 to 45 minute epoxy
A bottle of thin CA
Covering iron
Various modeling tools for assembly
½ inch low tack masking tape