Visuality™ Model T7714 Quick Start Guide
4.0 Dock the unit (optional)
Some models of the T7714 are made to fit into a dock in a vehicle designed especially for Visuality models. The
dock allows you to easily swap remote T7714 units in and out of vehicles. Components for dockable T7714 units
are the same as standalone units.
To install a dockable T7714 unit into a dock in a vehicle, line up the T7714 unit with the metal guides on the
dock. Push the T7714 unit straight back to connect it with the dock. The DB-15 connector installs the GPS and cel-
lular antennas. The DB-78 connector installs the power, video, audio, and other components.
Figure 4.
T7714 dock
5.0 Log into the unit
You can configure the Model T7714 using the Ethernet port and the Web Management Interface (WMI), or by
using the Console port and the Command Line Interface (CLI).
To configure the T7714 using the WMI, make sure that an Ethernet port is connected to the local LAN. Type the IP
address of the unit into a web browser and log in.
To configure the T7714 using the CLI, connect a PC to the unit’s console port. Open a terminal program on the PC
and create a connection with the default settings: 19200 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
For information on configuring the unit, refer to the
Visuality™ Model T7714 User Manual
and the
ityAE Adiminstrator’s Reference Guide
, available online at and
T7714 dock
D-78 connector
for components
DB-15 connector
for antennas