Accessibility: READ ONLY
Default: 0
Possible Values: 0 to 4294967296
This number increments with each LCP Echo Requests
received from the PPP client.
show eia232 ppp peeripaddruseena
Returns the current setting of the Peer IP Addressing Use Enable fea-
Accessibility: READ ONLY
show eia232 ppp peernsaddruseena
Returns the current setting of the Peer Name Server Address Use
Enable feature.
Accessibility: READ ONLY
show eia232 ppp pppconstate
Returns the current PPP related IP connection state.
Accessibility: READ ONLY
Default: closed
Possible Values: ack rcvd, ack sent, closed, closing, initialize, opened,
req sent, starting, stopped, stopping
show eia ppp pingena
Ping Enable
show eia232 ppp pridnsaddr
Returns the current address of the primary DNS used to support DNS
address exchange with the client device connected to the serial inter-
Accessibility: READ ONLY
show eia232 ppp priwinsaddr
Returns the current address of the primary WINS used to support WINS
address exchange with the client device connected to the serial inter-
Accessibility: READ ONLY
show eia232 ppp secdnsaddr
Returns the current address of the secondary DNS used to support DNS
address exchange with the client device connected to the serial inter-
Accessibility: READ ONLY
show eia232 ppp secwinsaddr
Returns the current address of the secondary WINS used to support
WINS address exchange with the client device connected to the serial