Instruction Booklet
In unlikely event of a panel display error, you need to re-set the display
system by cycling the on/off main switch. The display circuitry is independent
of the motor control system. A display console error does not affect scooter
speed control.
Keep in mind these rules
Release thumb levers and allow scooter to stop completely before changing from
forward to reverse, or reverse to forward.
When turning to corner, swing front wheels widely, so back wheels will turn more
Use scooter only where it is safe for waiting.
Drive in low speeds when reversing, riding downhill, over ramp or curb, or on
uneven surface, downhill, ramps, curbs, or uneven surfaces.
Other Operating Information
Hill climbing:
You may need to use a higher speed. Turn to lower speed before
going downhill.
Down slopes:
proceed with downward slopes slowly, and set speed control in
proximity of turtle. The closer speed control is set toward turtle, the slower scooter
travels. However, this scooter will not self accelerate down hills due to the automatic
braking, taking effect should you attempt to drive too fast.
Kerb climbing:
Approach slowly from right angles to curb. A slight angle is
permissible with a 4-wheel scooter. Do not attempt greater than a 5cm curb.
If Self-Diagnostic Warning Light starts to blink, identify problem from chart on
page 16 and take action.
I f t h e s c o o t e r b r e a k s d o w n a n d m u s t b e m o v e d , g e t o ff s c o o t e r, e n g a g e
Free-Wheeling Lever to N, push scooter slowly to a safe location, and push lever
back to D.