Operating the Gravity Tender
The Patriot Gravity Tender allows for easy storage and/or transport of bulk feed to a farm location or to a field. The
Patriot Gravity Tender has a rear or side discharge to make it easy for the operator to get bulk feed into a bucket or
directly into a feed bunk.
To fill the Patriot Gravity Tender
Undo the rubber lid latch to unlock the lid.
Grip the lid handle securely and move the handle in a downward direction to open the Gravity Tender lid.
The Gravity Tender can now be loaded.
Once the Gravity Tender is loaded to its desired capacity, the lid can be closed.
Grip the lid handle and move it towards the right side of the Gravity Tender. This motion will cause the lid
to close.
Close the lid completely.
Place the rubber lid latch in the locked position to lock the lid closed.
To distribute feed, simply:
Retrieve the bucket from the bucket holder of the tender.
Place the bucket under the lowered discharge chute.
Open the discharge door by lifting up on the discharge door handle and fill the correctly placed bucket.
When the bucket has the amount of bulk feed desired, close the discharge door by pushing down on the
discharge door handle.
The bulk feed can be taken to the distribution area.
Repeat the above steps until the desired amount of bulk feed has been dispensed.
Place the discharge chute back into the upright storage position and be sure the discharge door is closed
Place the bucket back into the provided bucket holder.
The side discharge Patriot Gravity Tender can also be used to place bulk feed directly into feed bunks if desired.
This model of Gravity Tender will have wheels on it enabling it to be towed.
Align the side discharge chute with the feed bunk.
Place the chute in the down position.
Open the discharge door by lifting the discharge door handle until the desired amount of bulk feed is
Operate the tow vehicle in a forward direction at the correct speed to discharge the desired amount of bulk
feed into the feed bunk.
When the operation is over, stop the tow vehicle and secure it so that it will not move on its own and close
the discharge door by pushing down on the discharge door handle until the discharge door is closed.
Place the chute in the upright position for storage.
Park the gravity tender on a flat and level area.
The side discharge Patriot Gravity Tender has an optional actuated chute available as well. The actuator will open
and close the bulk feed door. The optional actuated system will allow the operator to distribute bulk feed from the
tow vehicle into feeding chutes or at designated feeding areas. The actuator system uses a simple toggle switch
system to open and close the feed door.
Gravity Tender V1.0