Thank you for purchasing a Patriot Equipment Wire Winder! We hope you will get many years of productive use from
it. The Wire Winder has been designed to perform a certain function. All product users must read and understand
this manual prior to equipment operation. This manual is considered part of your machine and should remain with the
machine at all times. Do not allow anyone to operate or maintain this equipment if they have not fully read and
comprehended this manual. Failure to follow the recommended procedures may result in personal injury or death or
equipment damage.
Information in this manual is designed to help owners and operators to obtain the best results and safe operation from
their investment. The life of any machine depends largely on the care it is given and we suggest that the manual
should be read and understood and referred to frequently. If for any reason you do not understand the instructions
and safety requirements, please contact your authorized dealer. The intent of this manual is to provide guidelines to
cover general use and to assist in avoiding accidents and injuries.
There may be times when circumstances occur that are not covered in the manual. At those times it is best to use
common sense and contact your authorized dealer or our factory.
The requirements of safety cannot be emphasized enough in this publication. We urge you to make safety your top
priority when using and maintaining the equipment. We strongly advise that anyone allowed to operate this
equipment be thoroughly trained and tested, to prove they understand the fundamentals of safe operation.
Some photographs, diagrams or illustrations in this manual may show doors, guards and shields opened or removed
to aid in clarity and understanding of a particular procedure. All guards, shields and safety devices must be in their
proper position prior to operation.
Wire Winder 6500 V2024.1