Patriot Docks Gangway Assembly Instructions Manual Download Page 5

Assembly Instructions



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Step 3:

Starting in the center of your Gangway on the 8’ Side Tube, slip the Handrail Uprights into the Low Pro 
Stationary Pipe Holders. Slide your Horizontal Handrail Pipe through the Handrail Upright bracket that is 
welded to it (leave all pinch bolts loose until all handrail verticals and horizontals are installed). Use 81.5” 
Horizontal Handrail Pipe to span across the 8’ Side Tube, you should not see this pipe protrude past the center 
Handrail Uprights. Install remaining Handrail Uprights in Low Pro Stationary Pipe Holders. Use the remaining 
51” Horizontal Handrail Pipes to span the remaining gap between Handrail Uprights. The 81.5” and 51” 
Horizontal Handrail will butt up inside the bracket of the center Handrail Uprights. Once all Handrail upright 
and horizontals are installed tighten all pinch bolts on both Handrail Upright and Low Pro Stationary Pipe 

Step 4: (Optional)

Included in the Gangway package is PN10802 Transition Plate. This an optional attachment that will help 
increase rigidity where frames are connected. On the BOTTOM of the frames simply line up the Transition Plate 
so the center of the Plate is where the 8’ and 4’ Frames meet. Use the included Self Tapping Screws to secure 
Transition Plate to Frames. 
