XA100 Owner’s Manual
All figures obtained after 1 hour warm-up, with regulated 120 VAC
power line. See manual notes about AC power line regulation.
26 dB
Freq. Response
-3 dB at 1.5 Hz, -3 dB at 100 kHz
Power Output
100 watts max @ 1% THD,
1 kHz, 8 ohms
Maximum Output Voltage
plus, minus approx. 40 volts
Maximum Output Current
plus, minus approx. 5 amps
Input Impedance
22 kohm balanced
11 kohm unbalanced
Damping factor
30 ref @ 8 ohms nominal
Slew rate
plus, minus 50 V/uS
Output Noise
300 uV unweighted 20-20 kHz
Balanced CMRR
approx. -60 dB @ 1 kHz
DC offset
< 100 mv
Power Consumption
approx. 300 watts
25 degrees C. above ambient at idle
19 “ W x 9” H x 22” D
Shipping Weight
68 lbs.
For more information please contact:
Pass Laboratories Inc.
P.O. Box 219,
24449 Foresthill Rd.,
Foresthill, CA 95631
Tel: 530.367.3690
Fax: 530.369.2193
© 2006, Pass Laboratories Inc.
XA100 Specifications
“Pass”, “
”, “Pass Labs”, “Pass Laboratories”, Supersymmetery”,
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