V e n t u r i A p p a r a t u s
0 1 2 -0 9 4 8 6B A p p e n d i x B : F l u i d S u p p l y a n d F l o w R a t e
other end of the spirometer tubing (see Figure 5 or 7). Assemble the mouthpiece and
spirometer handle, and connect the spirometer to your PASPORT interface.
The spirometer automatically calibrates itself every time you start data collection.
During the first few seconds of data collection, it must remain still and away from air
currents. A red WAIT light and green READY light illuminate to indicate when the
sensor is calibrating and when it is ready to measure air flow. Start data collection (by
pressing or clicking the Start button) with the air supply off, and wait until the spirom-
eter is ready before turning the air supply on.
Water Supply
Set up the apparatus with at least 1.5 m of vertical drop from
the top surface of the water reservoir to the bottom of the drain
tube. Elevate the reservoir above your lab bench and put the
catch basin on the floor (see Figure 8).
Cut the water tubing into two pieces of suitable length. Con-
nect one piece of tubing to the outflow port of the apparatus
and run it over the side of the lab bench into the catch basin.
Secure the tubing so water will not spill onto the floor. Place
both hose clamps on the outflow tubing. Close one of the clams
partially to regulate the flow rate. Close the other clamp com-
pletely; you will open and close this clamp to start and stop
water flow.
Run the other piece of tubing from the reservoir to the inflow
port of the apparatus. Connect the tubing to the bottom hose
fitting of the model ME-8594 Water Reservoir, or (if you are
using a container without a hose fitting) set up the tubing as a
Note: Observe the correct direction of water flow through the apparatus indicated in Figure 2.
Connect the Quad Pressure Sensor if it is not already connected (see page 5).
: Do not allow water to enter the sensor’s pressure ports. Connect the quad pressure
sensor to the apparatus before filling it with water. Once water is in the apparatus, do not discon-
nect the sensor; otherwise water will flow through the pressure tubes.
Fill the reservoir with water. (If you are using the tubing as a siphon, fill it and the
apparatus with water as well, or use suction to draw water into them.)
Included Parts Required
Fluid tubing (at least 1.5 m)
2 restriction clamps
Other Parts Required or Recommended
Part Number
Water Reservoir (or other container of at least 1 liter)
Container to catch water
Equipment to elevate and secure reservoir:
Table Clamp
120 cm rod
2 Three-finger clamps
For more information on
the spirometer, see the
instructions included with
it (PASCO instruction
sheet 012-08856).
Figure 8: Setup for water
Quad Pressure