The “LOW” setting gas flow can be adjusted to raise or lower the minimum heat output of the grill.
Note this only affects the “LOW” setting while the “HI” setting will not be affected.
To change setting, first ignite burner and set on “LOW”. Remove control knob (The knob uses a
small latch, and with enough pressure can be snapped on and off easily.) Using a flat head
screwdriver, find the internal brass adjustment screw. Adjust to desired flame size.
(It will be easier to adjust flame size with grill and heat deflector removed)
“LOW” Flame setting adjustment screw.
Burn off the grill after every use for 5 to 10 minutes to keep excessive food residue from building
Use a wire brush to clean the cooking grates.
To clean the fire box remove the grates and use a putty knife/scraper to remove excessive build up
off grease and food.
Drip Pan/Ash Tray
To clean, simply slide tray out of the lower left side of grill. Scrape with a putty knife of something
similar and re insert back in its proper location. You may also clean the grease pan and clean with
dishwashing detergent and hot water solution.