The grill is designed to grill efficiently without the use of lava rocks or briquettes of any kind.
Heat is radiated by the stainless steel heat deflector positioned above burner.
The hot grill sears the food, sealing in the juices. The longer preheat, the faster the meat
browns and the darker the grill marks.
Before Lighting
Inspect the gas supply hose prior to turning the gas “ON”. If there is evidence of cuts, wear, or
abrasion, it must be replaced prior to use. Do not use the grill if the odor of gas is present. Only the
pressure regulator and hose assembly supplied with the unit should be used. Never substitute
regulators for those supplied with the grill.
To Light Grill Burner
Make sure all knobs are “OFF” then turn on the gas supply. Always keep your face and body as far
from the grill as possible when lighting.
Your grill has an exclusive patented built-in ignition. The igniter is built into the valve. To ignite each
burner simply push and turn the control knobs to the HI setting, you will hear the valve click as it
sends a spark to the pilot flame. If the burner does not light, wait 5 minutes for any excess gas to
dissipate and then retry.
To Match Light the Grill
If the burner will not light after several attempts then the burner can be match lit.
If you’ve just attempted to light the burner with the igniter, allow 5 minutes for any accumulated
gas to dissipate. Keep your face and hands as far away from the grill as possible. Insert a lit
extended match or lighter through the cooking grids to the burner. Press the control knob and
rotate left to the HI setting, continue to press the knob until the burner ignites. Burner should light
Resetting the Safety Regulator
If the burner does not light in 4 seconds turn the knob off and check fuel supply level also check if
the regulator safety has tripped. To reset shut off the fuel supply at the tank then shut off the
temperature control knobs on the front of the grill then remove the regulator from the fuel supply
and reattach, doing this resets the safety in the regulator.