3 Zones
Table of Contents
Installation ……………………………………….….…2-3
Operation …………………………………………..…….3
HVAC Equipment Set-Up…………..…………..……….3
Wiring ………………………………………………..…3-4
Troubleshooting ………………………………….……4-5
The PCMMP3 Plug-In Damper Zoning System-3, Model MMP3, is a
two (2) and three (3) zone control panel for single stage heating
only, cooling only or heating and cooling. The PCMMP3 can control
any single stage gas-oil-electric furnace, hydro-air heating and air
conditioning. The PCMMP3 panel is the central control panel where
all zone dampers, zone thermostats, HVAC Equipment and power
transformer are wired.
When installing the PCMMP3 panel it is important to pick a central
location where it is most convenient to bring all the wires. Most often
this is near the furnace or air handler and closest to power, the
HVAC unit controls and the zone dampers when typically located at
or near the plenum.
The PCMMP3 case and cover are made of sturdy ABS plastic and
can be mounted to any flat surface. It is recommended that the
panel be mounted to a wall or return plenum and NOT on the
furnace or plenum where it will be in contact with the high heating
temperatures. The panel can be located in an attic space or in an
enclosed cabinet of a rooftop unit, provided the panel enclosed and
not in direct exposure to the elements.