To release the high-pressure hose
(17), press the unlocking mecha
nism for the high-pressure hose
(13). Pull away the high-pressure
hose (17) at the connection for
the telescopic tube (18).
Connecting the tip of the
1. Remove the safety clamp (3) from the
angle piece (2).
2. Insert the connection for the angle pi
ece (19) into the angle piece (2). It will
lock into place.
3. Slide the angle piece (2) with the high-
pressure hose (17) back across the
third telescopic tube (4) until the two
holes in the angle piece (2) align with
the two holes in the third telescopic
tube (4).
4. Slide the safety clamp (3) through the
angle piece (2) and the third telescopic
tube (4).
5. Fix the flat jet nozzle (1) by inserting it
and rotating it (bayonet locking device)
with the angle piece (2).
Initial start-up
Working instructions
Be aware of the recoil force when
the water jet commences. Ensure
you are standing firmly and hold
ing the spray gun firmly. Otherwise
there is a risk of injuring yourself or
other people.
1. Adjust the telescopic tube to the
desired length.
2. Release the rotary lock on the auxiliary
handle (23) and pull the telescopic
tube (4,5,6) out of the preceding te
lescopic tube (5,6), or main tube (7).
Fix the now extended telescopic tube
(4,5,6) using the rotary lock on the au
xiliary handle (23).
3. Establish a water connection with your
high-pressure cleaner at the water con-
nection (15) on the handgrip (11) of
your telescopic tube.
4. Put the shoulder strap (9) on.
5. Hold the telescopic tube with both
hands on the handgrip (11) and on the
handgrip area (8).
6. If the high-pressure cleaner is activa-
ted, pressing the switch-on lever (20)
ejects high-pressure water from the flat
jet nozzle (1). Once the switch-on le
ver (20) is released, the flow of water
Pressing the switch lock (21) enables
you to secure the telescopic tube
against being unintentional switched
Using detergents
The pressure cleaner was designed for
operation with a neutral detergent based
on a biologically decomposable anionic
tenside. Other detergents or chemical sub
stances could impair the safety of the pres
sure cleaner and damage it. Such damage
to the equipment is not covered by the