Menu Item
Key Light
Auto / Open / Close
To set the key light (button back-light) function.
When set to “Auto” and the LCD screen is on, key light will
be on. When the LCD screen is off, key light will be off. The
LCD screen can be turned off by manually selecting the
“Up” button or via the menu setting “Power Off Screen”. The
LCD screen can be activated by pressing any button. When
the key light is set to “Open”, the key light will be on all the
time after the DVR is powered on. When the key light is set
to “Close”, the key light will be off all the time.
Beep Sound
High / Low / Off
To set the button sound.
Choose Card
Outer Card / Inner Card
Choose “Outer card” for the video/picture file to be stored
on the outer card (Micro SD). In playback mode, the LCD
display will show outer card video/picture. Choose “Inner
card” for the video/picture file to be stored in inner card
(internal memory). In playback mode, the LCD display will
show inner card video/picture.
English / Russia / Czech /
Polish / Chinese
To set Language.
Default Setting
No / Yes
This function will reset all settings on the device to default
factory settings.
No / Yes
Select “Inner card” (Internal Memory) or “Outer card” (Micro
SD), “Format” and “yes” to format your storage.