7.2. Cleaning the inside of the barrier cover
The inside of the barrier cover should only be cleaned with a clean dry cloth and a dust
7.3. Cleaning the barrier exterior
The outside of the barrier may be cleaned with water, and in the case of bigger stains
with a detergent without abrasive properties. Remove any obstacles around and from
the barrier that may obstruct normal functioning, like clumps of leaves or branches.
7.4. Replacing the Safety Pin
In case of excess force, the Parklio Smart Parking Barrier has a safety pin to prevent
damage to any other parts. The pin is designed to break into three parts.
In the case of a broken safety pin, a replacement pin is needed for the barrier to
operate normally.
To replace the safety pin, first unlock the safety pin lock, after that remove any broken
pieces of the old safety pin. Insert the new safety pin as already described in the
manual (Chapter 4.3. Preliminary Checks and Testing).
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