Digital Power Amplifier
Series VRD350 and VRD355
Installation Manual
Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG
Hydraulic Controls Division
The comparator used to generate a COMMAND
Simple (actual value) checks can thus be performed
(e.g. clamping pressure monitoring). The control
difference U12 is compared with the defined win-
dow in the comparator. The comparator signal is
output accordingly depending on the result of the
A set comparator (within the window) is indicated
by a slowly flashing LED “RESET RAMP”. If the
“Reset Ramp” signal is also present, the LED
flashes quickly.
Comparator Function with E2 = 2
The comparator is used to generate a switching
threshold for the control. The actual value U11 is
compared directly with the values defined in P21
and P22. If U11 exceeds the comparative value,
the control is switched on. One condition, how-
ever, is that a signal is also present at the “Reset
Ramp“ input.
3.14. Serial Interface
Remote operation or remote setting of param-
eters can be carried out by means of the serial
interface. The following transmission parameters
are applicable:
Assignment of the Serial Interface
Parameter changes via the serial in-
terface should only be carried out by
trained personnel. The drive must be
stopped during parameter changes. We
recommend switching the card’s enable off.
Connection to the PC is via a so-called null mo-
dem cable.
The program PROVRD350/355 (Order No. HR
59.500 010) is available to carry out programming
and remote control. This permits simple remote
control and programming of the amplifier cards
via a PC. On one hand this facilitates program-
ming and increases the clarity, and on the other
it opens up the possibility of a convenient storage
and documentation of parameter configurations.
The program can also be used to adapt the basic
settings (default settings) (see also page 14) to the
user’s specific circumstances.
3.15. ABG35S
The plug-in control panel ABG35S can easily be
attached to amplifier cards of the VRD355 range
for displaying and changing parameters and values.
Afterwards, it can be removed, thus disabling unau-
thorized access to the cards. It provides the same
keys and 7-segment display as the front panel of
the VRD350. Further, the same test sockets are
incorporated for commissioning and servicing.
As an additional feature, the ABG35S enables the
storage of one complete parameter set on-board.
By this means, the settings can be copied from one
amplifier to an unlimited number of others in a very
short time. No further components are required
(see also page 23).
The data record in the ABG35S must
correspond to the software version of
the amplifier.
Only the PROVRD versions V4.0 and
later may be used for amplifier cards
with software release V2.0 and later.
PROVRD version V4.0 can be used
with older software versions (as of V1.04) of the
amplifier cards.
Transmission rate
9600 Baud
Data format
8 data-bits, 1 stop-bit, parity none
Voltage level