Parker Hannifin Corporation
TFP 5715-734UK.indd 24.06.22
2-Way Servo Proportional Valves
Series TFP
Operation Manual
ProPxD Parameterizing Software
The ProPxD software permits comfortable param-
eter setting for the module electronic. Via the clearly
arranged entry mask the parameters can be noticed
and modified. Storage of complete parameter sets
is possible as well as printout or record as a text
file for further documentation.
The PC software can be downloaded free of charge
at www.parker.com/isde - see page “Support” or
directly at www.parker.com/propxd.
For program installation and software operating
please see operation manual 5715-687. The manual
can be downloaded at www.parker.com/isde – see
page “Support”
Please check periodical for updates.
Cable Specification
Attention! The valve electronic provides no USB
interface, but can only be parametrized via an
RS232C connection. Therefore the usage of
USB standard cables is not allowed and may
result in damaging of valve resp. PC.
Hardware Requirements
• PC with operating system from Windows
• interface RS232C
• display resolution min. 800 x 600
• connection cable between PC and electronic
• storage requirement approx. 40 MB
If your PC has no serial interface according
to RS232 standard you require in addition an
USB-RS232C adapter.
Ordering code: 40982923
The cover plug has to be re-installed after
completion of the parametrizing work.
Plug for
parametering interface
5. Operating Instructions
Supply pressure must be ensured
before valve is energized!
To reach the closed position in case of valve
electronic failure, pilot pressure is required.
Solenoid Current Monitoring
If the actuator current time interval exceeds 10
seconds, the actuator is switched off to prevent
overheating. For normal operating conditions this
state will not reached, but it may occur with a con-
taminated sluggish valve.
In this case the reason for the contamination
should be repaired (hydraulic fluid exchange,
filtration review, valve flushing).
The overcurrent shutoff condition may be resetted
by temporary disconnection of the enable signal.
The shutoff of the VCD actuator due to overload
will be indicated via the diagnostics output.