Parker RAC Europe
PSD04 | User manual ver. 3.6 | Code 144PSDI364
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Preliminary information
PSD04 is available with built-in LCD display keyboard and blind version (according to the model).
The built-in versions can be programmed through the keyboard interface, blind ones can be programmed by using a
remote user interface (for example PSV4GBR if the version has a CANBus card fitted): both versions with display or
without display can be programmed through the set-up software system Parameters Manager.
Using the programming key PSKEY10 it is also possible to upload and download the configuration parameters.
Keyboard (not available in the blind versions)
The following table shows the meaning of the keyboard.
Preset function
cancel, hereinafter also called “button ESC”
move to left, hereinafter also called “button LEFT”
increase, hereinafter also called “button UP”
decrease, hereinafter also called “button DOWN”
move to right, hereinafter also called “button RIGHT”
confirmation, hereinafter also called “button ENTER”
Signalling LEDs
The following table shows the meaning of the LEDs at the front of the device.
LED power supply
if it is lit, the device will be powered
if it is out, the device will not be powered
LED stepper output 1
if it is lit, the valve will be stopped and completely closed
if it flashes slowly, the valve will be stopped and completely open
if it flashes quickly, the valve will be moving
if it is out, the valve will be stopped and open in an intermediary position