Technical product description
Technical product description
Summary drawing
Front view
Regeneration gas return RV3–RV4
Dewpoint sensor (optional)
Check valve plate (RV1–RV2)
Differential pressure gauge
(only K-MT 6-8)
Differential pressure gauge
(K-MT 6-8)
Compressed air inlet
Compressed air outlet
Upstream filter
Downstream filter
Condensate trap
ON/OFF switch
Manual drain valve
Power connection
Control box with Multitronic control
Double-chamber vessel
Solenoid valves (Y1-Y4)
Function description
The dryer dries the compressed air supplied by the compressor and makes it
available for industrial use.
Upstream filters clean the compressed air and remove dust, dirt, oil, and water
droplets, before the compressed air reaches the dryer. Thus, an upstream filter is
also used for extending the service life of the drying agent.
Downstream filters clean the compressed air from drying agent abrasions, before
it is fed into the compressed air system.
The two chambers of the hollow section vessel contain an extremely porous
drying agent by means of which humidity is removed from the compressed air
and stored just as in a sponge. The stored humidity is then removed again from
the drying agent and re-introduced into the ambient environment.