From the warranty arises for Parker Calzoni the duty of repairing a unit, replacing it or part of it according
to what Parker Calzoni decide it is the most effective solution. Parker Calzoni decision is unquestionable.
All the costs, of any kind, deriving from the disassembly of the unit object of the warranty claim, from the
transport of the repaired or replaced unit from Parker Calzoni to the customer’s residence and from the
re-assembly of the unit itself, are at customer’s charge.
For the motor components already repaired or replaced free of charge, the warranty is automatically
extended, till a maximum period of 3 months after the consignment to the end user customer.
Parker Calzoni do not accept warranty claims for failures provoked by the negligence or incompetence of
the customer; Parker Calzoni do not accept warranty claims for failures caused by running the motor in
operating conditions different from the ones recommended by Parker Calzoni technical documentation
and instructions.
If the warranty claim is not accepted by Parker Calzoni, Parker Calzoni will submit the customer a regular
reparation estimated cost; in case the customer does not confirm it, Parker Calzoni will return the
material and charge the customer with the relevant transportation expenses.