3.2 - Transportation
During transportation better to treat motors as delicate goods so that to avoid collisions that might cause the
damage of the packing as well as of the content.
When transporting the motors in-house, the utmost care is recommended while
manoeuvring the vehicle as well a low speed is suggested so that to avoid collisions
and jerks that can damage the output shaft or other delicate parts.
3.3 - Storage
It is strongly recommended to avoid storing the motors outdoor, in excessively damp
sites or positioned directly on the ground.
Motors can be stored in a warehouse, in the same conditions it was supplied, for no
longer than 3 months.
Should the motors be stored of a longer period or should they be stored in a damp
site, their motor cases have to be filled in with filtered hydraulic oil (pls. refer to
“Operating Fluids” section) by using one of the two drain holes; drain holes have then
to be duly plugged.
The oil used to fill in the motor case has possibly to be the same that will be used in
the system the motor will operate on, so that to avoid risks of mixing different fluids
(pls. refer to “Operating Fluids” section).
The motors may be seriously damaged if they are stored at critical temperatures
before installation. Do not expose the motors to temperatures below -30°C or higher
than 80°C; these two temperature values must be considered the absolute lower and
upper extremes.
– Packing Removal
As illustrated in the previous section, the motor is simply packed on a wooden skid or on a skid with
cardboard or wooden crate. The wooden crate must be opened with order, starting from the cover, then
removing the side panels and finally taking out the end panels.
The parts the crates consist of must be made harmless for people; thus, before storing
them dangerous parts must be removed; dangerous parts are: wooden pins, screws,
nails, sharply pointed to edged parts, etc.