DOC-0017-10-EN: AC20 Series PROFINET IO Option
19 (47
Write Mapping:
The write process data represents cyclic data sent from the AC20 to the PLC, this is mapped into the table
Option Comms Output Mapping.
Keypad Menu Path
DSE Lite Function Block Webserver
Note: String-type parameters cannot be mapped.
Set process data from PROFINET master
The GSDML file defines a number of modules. Each module corresponds to an AC20 parameter, when
configuring the PLC, the modules may be added to the slave device slots as required. These modules map
to the process data in the order in which they are added.
The parameter
must be set to
and this will auto reset the AC20 input and
output mapping.
Cyclic Data Exchange
Cyclic data exchange will occur when a connection is established either in RUN mode (PROCESS
ACTIVE) or STOP mode (IDLE). However, the read process data will only update the mapped parameters
when in the PROCESS ACTIVE mode.
On a transition into the PROCESS ACTIVE state all read process mapped parameters will be updated.
When in the PROCESS ACTIVE state, the read process mapped parameters will all update only when a
change in the read process data occurs.
Mapping status
The process data mapping status can be accessed from AC20 via the following parameters:
2586 InMappingStatus
: shows the status of the currently active cyclic data input
mapping table (32 entries), value is the Tag ID of the parameter to be cyclic read In.
2619 OutMappingStatus
: Shows the status of the currently active cyclic data output
mapping table (32 entries), value is the Tag ID of the parameter to be cyclic sent out.
The parameters
2586 InMappingStatus
2619 OutMappingStatus
are visible from the webserver and
are valid if
Parameter 0774 Comms State
= PROCESS ACTIVE and parameter
2566 MasterMapping
Option Comms
Output Mapping[ ]