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Installing servos and hooking up controls:
First hook up the servos to the receiver and power it up to center the servo arms. The rudder servo
goes on the left, the elevator servo on the right. The servos must be located as shown on the plan to
ensure that the control wires make a straight run from the servo arms all the way to the tail through
the sleeves. Install the servo arms as shown on the plan and screw to the servos. Install the Dubro
EZ Connectors that came with the pushrod set into the outer holes on the servo arms.
Use the servo screws that came with your servos to attach the servos to the servo rails inside the
Insert the provided micro control horns through the laser cut holes in the rudder and elevator and
glue. Remember that the rudder servo is on the left, elevator on the right. Glue the horns on the
correct sides to match.
Push the control wires through the sleeves from the tail forward. Insert them through the EZ
Connectors and extend through the connectors at least ¼”. Make a 90 degree bend at the tail
control horns and clip off the excess wire. Use the Dubro Micro EZ Links that came with the
pushrod set to secure the wires to the control horns.
Power up the servos again and center the control surfaces, then tighten the EZ Connector screws
down on the control wires with the control surfaces held in a “neutral” position (aligned with the
Final hookup:
Plug the ESC and servos into the receiver and place the receiver where desired in the fuselage. It
can be Velcroed to the interior surfaces of the fuselage sides or to the top of the battery tray. Make
sure the ESC battery connector is accessible from the battery door underneath the fuselage.
Place a strip of Velcro on the bottom of the battery tray to mount your battery pack to.
Optional dummy glow motor:
A lot of people think an Old Timer just isn’t an Old Timer without a glow
head sticking out of the cowl, so we’ve included a balsa one for you if you
want that look! The parts all have a hole in the center that is sized to allow
stacking the pieces on a round toothpick for assembly. Assemble in the
following order (from bottom to top): all three 1/8” disks, small 1/64” ply
disk, 1/16” balsa disk, large 1/64” ply disk, 1/16” balsa disk, small 1/64” ply
disk, 1/16” balsa disk. Leave some toothpick extending out the top to simulate
a glow plug. Paint assembly with craft paints for more realism.