Ventilation Guidelines for Parasound Power Amplifiers
Your Parasound power amplifier is designed to operate with high idling, or bias, current to reduce higher-
order harmonic distortion. This bias optimization is characteristic of all Parasound power amplifiers and is
perfectly normal, but it results in noticeably warmer operation even when no signal is present. While many
other amplifiers manufacturers have chosen to bias their amplifiers at a lower level to run cooler, we bias our
amplifiers so the output transistors are allowed to operate in a much more linear region. Although the ampli-
fier may run a little warmer than other amplifiers. we feel the resulting sonic improvements are significant
and justified.
However, to insure safe and reliable operation, it is very important that the amplifier has plenty of ventila-
tion to prevent overheating and automatic shut down from the thermal protection circuitry.
Please observe the following guidelines when installing your Parasound power amplifier:
If you are not using a fan, allow at least six inches on each side and above the amplifier, and do not close
off the front with a door or panel.
If you are enclosing the amplifier in an equipment cabinet, use a fan and draw in cool air or exhaust
warm air. In either case, two vent holes are required: one for intake and one for exhaust.
Do not place the amplifier on carpeting which will obstruct the air now from the bottom of the amplifier.
If you plan on stacking amplifiers, you must use a fan.
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