Copyright © Parallax Inc.
Digital I/O Board Kit (#27113)
v1.0 2/19/2010 Page 3 of 13
Assembly Instructions
Before starting assembly be sure you have the necessary tools and a clean area to work in. Start with
the lower profile components and work our way up to taller components.
Step 1:
Be sure the PCB is free
of dirt and excessive
Set your board in a
position to start
installing and soldering
groups of components.
In the following steps
the component locations
will be highlighted with
a yellow square / circle.
Step 2:
Install Resistor Network
RN1 into the location
shown to the right. The
notch should be toward
the top. Solder this
device in carefully,
avoiding overheating the
component as will all
components from this
Step 3:
Install the sockets, S1-
S8 and S9, S10 and S11
as shown to the right.
Notches should be
toward the top. Solder
these in place.