Configuration Option Procedures — AT Commands
Loading Factory Configurations
Use the AT&Fy&Wn command to load a factory configuration to either the Active
(Saved), Customer 1, or Customer 2 configuration area.
where: y is one of the following factory configurations:
0 = Async Dial
1 = Sync Dial
2 = Sync Leased (Answer)
3 = UNIX Dial
4 = Sync Leased (Originate)
5 = Cellular (Mobile) (if ETC installed)
6 = Cellular (PSTN) (if ETC installed)
where: n is one of the following configuration areas:
0 = Active (Saved)
1 = Customer 1
2 = Customer 2
Loading Configuration Areas to Active (Operating)
Use the ATZn command to load stored configurations from Active (Saved), Customer 1,
or Customer 2 configuration areas to Active (Operating).
where: n is one of the following:
0 = Active (Saved)
1 = Customer 1
2 = Customer 2
3 = Active (Saved) + Reset