Persona 9H Only
1. With your microphone set in Position One, the “main measurement position,” use the USB to connect both the
microphone and the ARC-ready equipment being measured to a USB input on your computer.
2. Run ARC by selecting it from the Start Menu. The program will guide you through the measurement steps. At the end
of the process, ARC will automatically load the room correction data to your equipment. The process takes about 10
minutes depending on the number of measurements.
3. You can name the measurement data file saved to your computer. Up to 16 characters may be used to name a
measurement. Additional characters will be removed. Valid naming characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, “ “, “-”, “.”, “:”, “;”, “<”,
“=”, “>”, “?”, and “@”. Other characters will not be allowed.
4. Once the ARC program is finished, you can disconnect your computer. You can break down and store the microphone
set safely for future use.
5. Use the ARC button, on the rear of the speaker, to toggle between the pre and post ARC correction.
• If the positions of your speakers change, or if new furniture or other sound-reflective materials are introduced into the
room, or your main listening position changes, you will have to re-measure.
• If you are using multiple speakers, you must repeat the process for each one.
One of the incredible features of ARC is that it gives you the tools to
customize your room response curves. This is recommended only for more
advanced users.
For the latest instructions for advanced users, please visit
To print a copy of your graphics and targets, click on
Sample ARC Analysis/Correction