Although your new sub will sound great right out of the carton, it will sound even better when broken in. Let it
operate for several hours before you listen critically. If it has been transported or stored in the cold, allow it to warm
to room temperature before you listen.
Use a damp (not wet!) soft cloth to clean. Never use a strong or abrasive cleaner on your sub.
Taking a Stand, Down Under or Wall Mounting
It’s up to you … mount it on a stand out on show, tuck it away under the couch or wall mount your sub. We’ve included
a very cool stand if you want your new bass baby out on show. See Fig. 2 for how to attach it to the stand. For those
who want to hide the sub away, like maybe under the couch (Fig. 3), hardware is included. There’s also a MilleniaSub
Wall-Mount Bracket system available
(sold separately, see dealer). For a sneak peek at the sub on a wall see Fig. 4.
The Freaky Effect of the Room
Although your Paradigm sub will deliver truly incredible sound in almost any room, it’s important to note that room
construction, room dimensions and yes, even furniture can play a part in sound quality. Keep these guidelines in mind:
• Mid and high frequencies are affected by the amount of curtains, carpets, sofas, wall coverings, etc. An excess
of the soft stuff can result in a dull sound, but don’t start tossing things because typically, the furnishings found in
most living rooms provide the right acoustic characteristics to allow the speakers to sound balanced;
• Concrete floors and walls aggravate low-frequency standing wave problems;
• Rooms where height, width and length are similar should be avoided as they can exhibit significant low-frequency
standing wave problems. This may result in reduced bass clarity.
If no other room is possible, experiment with speaker placement to minimize acoustic problems. Try the subwoofer in
more than one spot (do this BEFORE you mount it on the wall!)
Sometimes rooms with problems (trust us, just like families nearly every room has problems!) are the only option.
Sometimes the sub just looks really really good in a really really bad spot. But don’t worry, your sub mates with our
optional acoustic superhero, a room correction system that overcomes all acoustic compromises. It’s called PBK …
Paradigm Perfect Bass Kit
(PBK) and the Room Rescue Episode
Our superhero zooms in to the worst room situation: Dead spots, archways and poorly placed furniture are turning
the room into an instrument, playing alongside musicians or movie scores with unwanted coloration and resonance.
Bass is bloated and boomy with poor definition. Never fear … PBK is here! In a scientific process that can take as
little as five minutes, PBK wipes out problems of the room leaving your new Paradigm sub to do what it does best
… blow you and everyone who hears it away with its fabulous big bass sound.
(PBK is sold separately, see dealer.)
Getting the best from my sub