On either side of the Braille cells, there are two rounded keys. One key is located behind the other one. With
those keys you can perform several functions in order to configure the Braille display. The functions depend
on the currently used screen reader. On the left side (from top to bottom) you will find Key [K1] and Key [K2].
On the right side you will find Key [K3] and Key [K4]. In the following chapters these abbreviations will be
Key [K1] displays the settings for the Braille attribute presentation.
Key [K2] displays the Braille options.
Key [K3] displays the list of working modes
Key [K4] does not display a dialogue box. This function switches cursor tracking on or off.
The Easy Access Bar moves the reading window across the screen. It will also control the cursor when it
comes to selecting a suitable working mode.
The Easy Access Bar can be pushed in every direction. The directions indicate the designation: L, R, U, D
stand for Left, Right, Up and Down. For the second step, press and hold a lower routing key pushing the
Easy Access Bar in the appropriate direction: Thus, 2L, 2R, 2U, 2D stand for the second step of the Easy
Access Bar in the indicated direction.
To change the working mode, you have to understand how command lists work. You might be familiar with
similar JAWS setting lists. The description is about the same.
Command lists
Pressing one of these three keys, a JAWS dialogue box will pop up.
JAWS will read the title of the current setting dialog. The Braille display shows the first item in the list.
The list item is split into two columns: On the left, you will find the function or the command, e.g. "Working
Mode". On the right just after the hyphen, you will see the current value / selection, e.g. "Navigation Mode".
To select a command, push the Easy Access Bar up or down. A corresponding cursor movement will
be performed.
In order to change the value, push the Easy Access Bar in the 2nd step to the left or to the right
(Routing key + Easy Access Bar left or right). The current value will be spoken and displayed. Use
the space bar on the key board to change the value.
The changes of a setting will be confirmed with (Enter). You can also push the Easy Access Bar in
the 2nd step down [2D] (Routing key + Easy Access Bar down).
To leave the dialogue without any changes, press (Esc). You can also push the Easy Access Bar in
the 2nd step up [2U] (Routing key + Easy Access Bar up).
In both cases, the dialogue box will be closed. When changes have been made in the current
configuration, this will be confirmed by the message "settings saved".