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When you use compressed air tools, always 
check that the safety regulations which apply 
in your workplace are respected, as well as 
those in the following instructions, in order to 
reduce the risk of environmental and personal 



Wear safety glasses and hearing protection.



If necessary, wear dust mask and gloves.



Wear suitable working clothes and safety 



Do not use the tool continuously, do a 
break periodically

For operator safety:

Keep the work area clean. 

An untidy workplace 

or bench may cause personal damage.

Check  the  conditions  of  workplace. 


that the lighting is adequate. If the materials 
being worked produce sparks, do not use the 

tools  in  the  presence  of  inflammable  liquids, 

gases or material. 
Do not use the tool in potentially explosive 
atmospheres (ATEX).

Keep unauthorised persons at a safe distance. 

Do not let them touch the tools. Visitors should 
be kept away from the workplace.

Do not overload the tools.

 They will work 

better and in safe conditions if they are fitted 

with suitable tubing and are used at the 
pressure indicated in this manual.

Use the right tool. 

Check the conditions of 

the working tools (impact sockets, etc.) before 
each start-up and replace if damaged or worn.

Improper uses and absolutely forbidden: 



Use the tool for any purpose and uses 
different from that required in this manual



Direct the tool or accessories against 
people or animals



Use the tool or accessories like hammer, 
lever or blunt object

Wear suitable clothing. 

Do not wear clothing 

or jewellery which could get caught in moving 
parts. Protective gloves and non-slip safety 
shoes should be worn when working outside. 
Long hair should be kept in a hairnet.

Use personal protection.

 Your should always 

wear noise-proof ear protection, safety goggles 

with  de-mist  screen,  work  gloves,  filtered 

mouth mask and anything else necessary to 
prevent contact with harmful substances and 
sub-products of the working process.

Connection the power supply. 

This should always 

be done in respect of local safety regulations. In 
the case of compressed air, care should be taken 
to avoid whiplash (in case of tube breakage), or 
accidental unplugging, and the danger of short 
circuiting for electrical connections.

Risks of discharged air containing lubricator 

or residues.

 Avoid excessive lubrication and 

inhaling the discharged air; the work place 
should be equipped with conveyor ducts for 
the discharged air where necessary.

Check  that  the  mains  electricity  supply 

complies with 

safety regulations and the 

requirements stated in the instructions manual 
before connecting up.

Connect the equipment for dust extraction. 


the equipment for dust collection is included, 
check that these are connected to the tools 
and used correctly.


Summary of Contents for DP 196


Page 2: ...enti affidabili e durevoli nel tempo Dalle Pit Lanes a ogni tipo di attivit il vostro successo il nostro obiettivo Thanks for choosing a PAOLI product Behind your impact wrench you have the capacity a...

Page 3: ...cet appareil n est possible qu condition de lire int gralement la notice d instructions et de suivre le instructions qui figurent dedans Les destinataires de ces instructions sont des professionnels...

Page 4: di sicurezza L L Applicare al foro filettato un attacco rapido maschio standard per aria compressa L L Usare un tubo di alimentazione del diametro interno di almeno 13 mm L L Alimentare solo con ar...

Page 5: ...ucendo gasolio 25cc nell ingresso aria mantenendo premuta la leva di av viamento quindi far funzionare invertendo rapida mente il senso di rotazione per pulire accuratamente le parti del motore Ripete...

Page 6: ...nsile per scopi ed utilizzi differenti da quello previsto dal presente manuale w w Rivolgere l utensile o i gli accessori contro persone o animali w w Utilizzare l utensile o i gli accessori come mart...

Page 7: ...golazione manutenzione o sostituzione degli accessori come bussole ecc si consiglia di escludere il ramo di rete che alimenta l utensile Rimuovere le chiavi di servizio Prima di utilizzare l utensile...

Page 8: con materiale antivibrante Oltre all avvitatore dentro alla confezione troverete il manuale di uso e CONFEZIONE Vibrazioni trasmesse al sistema mano braccio Materiali o sostanze Scarsa visibilit Sc...

Page 9: ...nto La pressione o portata della linea di alimentazione d aria nulla o insufficiente Controllare la linea di alimentazione dell aria Mancanza di lubrificazione Leggere le istruzioni e lubrificare l ut...

Page 10: ...ta di copertina a cui questa dichiarazione si riferisce conforme ai requisiti della Direttiva Macchine 2006 42 CE Nome e indirizzo della persona autorizzata a costituire il fascicolo tecnico Nome Dr F...

Page 11: ...Gli interventi tecnici durante il periodo di garanzia non danno origine a prolungamenti o rinnovi della stessa in particolare tali riparazioni o sostituzioni sono garantite per il periodo residuo del...

Page 12: ...nnection for compressed air to the threaded hole L L Use a supply pipe of minimum inner diameter 13 mm L L Supply only with dehumidified compressed air with no pollutants L L If possible fit a supply...

Page 13: ...heel gun clockwise and anticlockwise After the inside washing repeat the previous operation with oil for air tools 5cc These operations must be performed in a suitably equipped working environment com...

Page 14: ...den w w Use the tool for any purpose and uses different from that required in this manual w w Direct the tool or accessories against people or animals w w Use the tool or accessories like hammer lever...

Page 15: ...maintenance or replacement operations on the accessories such as impact sockets etc you are recommended to switch of the power supply to the tool Remove the service keys Before using the tools always...

Page 16: ...cted with anti vibration material Together with the impact wrench inside the box you will find the manual of use and PACKAGE Vibrations transmitted to the hand arm Materials or substances Low visibili...

Page 17: ...s the start lever The pressure or the capacity of the line air alimentation is inadequate or nil Check the line of air alimentation Absence of lubrication Read the instructions and lubricated the tool...

Page 18: ...over to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006 42 EC Name and address of the person authorized to draw up the technical file Nome Dr Fede...

Page 19: ...ot been specifically authorised by DINO PAOLI s r l Technical interventions during the warranty period do not extend or renew said warranty period said repairs or replacements are guaranteed for the r...

Page 20: ...qui respecte les normes de s curit en vigueur L L Appliquez sur l orifice taraud un attelage m le standard pour air comprim L L Utilisez un tuyau d alimentation de 13 mm minimum de diam tre int rieur...

Page 21: ...r en versant du gas oil 25cc dans la prise d air en abaissant le bouton de vissage d vissage alors faites le fonctionner rapidement l inversion du sens de rotation pour nettoyer le moteur R p tez l op...

Page 22: ...cer s ils sont endommag s ou us s La mauvaise utilisation et absolument interdit w w Utilisez l outil pour quelque raison et utilise diff rente de celle requise dans ce manuel w w Adresser l outil ou...

Page 23: ...ntreprendre toute op ration de r glage d entretien ou de remplacement d accessoires tels que les douilles a chocs etc nous conseillons d exclure la section de r seau qui alimente l outil Enlever les c...

Page 24: ...avec un mat riau anti vibration Avec le cl choc l int rieur la caisse vous trouverez le manuel d utilisation et de COLIS Vibrations transmises la main bras Mat riaux ou substances La mauvaise visibili...

Page 25: ...fondeur Presser le levier de d marrage La pression ou le d bit de la ligne de l alimentation d air est insuffisante ou inexistant V rifiez la ligne d alimentation d air L absence de lubrification Lire...

Page 26: ...i me de couverture que concerne cette d claration est conforme aux Directive relatives aux machines 2006 42 CE Reggio nell Emilia RE Italy 11 D cembre 2015 D CLARATION DE CONFORMIT CE Nom et adresse d...

Page 27: ...par DINO PAOLI s r l Les interventions techniques effectu es pendant la p riode de garantie ne donnent pas lieu des prolongations ou des renouvellements de la garantie plus pr cis ment ces r paration...

Page 28: ...ruckluft an die Gewindebohrung anbringen L L Ein Zuf hrungsrohr mit einem Mindest Innendurchmesser von 13 mm verwenden L L Nur entfeuchtete und verunreinigungsfreie Druckluft zuf hren L L M glichst ei...

Page 29: ...urch Einf llen von Diesel l 25cm in den Lufteinlass reinigen wobei der Starthebel gedr ckt zu halten ist dann in Betrieb nehmen indem man schnell die Laufrichtung umschaltet um die Motorteile gr ndlic...

Page 30: ...r abgen tzt m ssen sie ausgewechselt werden Missbr uchlicher einsatz ist absolut verboten w w Das Ger t f r andere Zwecke als die in diesem Handbuch genannten zu benutzen w w Das Ger t oder sein Zubeh...

Page 31: ...dem Ger t empfehlen wir den Netzbereich der dieses mit Strom oder Luft versorgt auszuschalten bevor man mit Einstell Instandhaltungs oder anderen Arbeiten wie Auswechseln der Zubeh r Kraftschrauberei...

Page 32: ...ztist In der Verpackung befinden sich der Anlasser das Handbuch die Konformit tserkl rung das VERPACKUNG Ger uschvoller Betrieb Materialien oder Substanzen Mangelnde Sicht Nicht ausreichendes Licht Ra...

Page 33: ...el Der Druck oder der Durchlass der Luftzufuhr ist nicht vorhanden oder unzureichend berpr fen Sie die Versorgungsleitung der Luftzufuhr Mangelnde Schmierung Lesen Sie die Anweisungen und schmieren Si...

Page 34: ...seite auf das sich diese Erkl rung bezieht den Anforderungen der Richtlinie f r Maschinen 2006 42 EG Reggio nell Emilia RE Italy 11 Dezember 2015 EG KONFORMIT TSERKL RUNG Name und Anschrift der zum Ve...

Page 35: ...d des Garantiezeitraums f hren nicht zu Verl ngerungen oder Erneuerungen desselben insbesondere werden solche Reparaturen oder Ersetzungen f r den restlichen Zeitraum der urspr nglichen Garantiezeit g...

Page 36: ...alaci n que respete las normas de seguridad vigentes L L Aplicar al orificio roscado una uni n r pida macho standard para aire comprimido L L Usar un tubo de alimentaci n de di metro interior m nimo 1...

Page 37: ...otor introduciendo gas leo 25cc en la toma del aire manteniendo presionada el interruptor de enroscado ejecutar r pidamente la inversi n de la direcci n de la rotaci n para limpiar a fondo el motor Re...

Page 38: ...olutamente prohibido w w Utilizar la herramienta para cualquier prop sito y o uso distinto de lo exigido en el presente manual w w Utilizar la herramienta o los accesorios contra personas o animales w...

Page 39: ...raciones de ajuste mantenimiento o sustituci n de los accesorios como bocas de impacto etc aconsejamos desconectar la red de alimentaci n de la herramienta Quitar las llaves de servicio Antes de utili...

Page 40: ...terial anti vibraci n Adem s de la llave de impacto dentro de la caja encontrar n las instrucciones de uso y PAQUETE Vibraciones transmitidas a la mano brazo Materiales o sustancias La mala visibilida...

Page 41: ...n o capacidad de la linea de alimentaci n de aire es poca e insuficiente Compruebe la l nea de alimentaci n de aire Falta de lubricaci n Leer las instrucciones y lubricar la herramienta Filtro sucio...

Page 42: ...contraportada a que se refiere esta declaraci n es conforme con la Directiva referente a maquinaria 2006 42 CE Reggio nell Emilia RE Italy 11 Diciembre 2015 DECLARACION DE CONFORMIDAD CE Nombre y dire...

Page 43: ...r l Las intervenciones t cnicas durante el per odo de garant a no da lugar a pr rrogas o renovaciones de la misma dichas reparaciones o sustituciones est n garantizadas por el per odo residual de la...

Page 44: ...Manod tendeur Druckminderer Reductor de presi n 4 Filtro separatore dell acqua Filter water separator Filtre purificateur Filter wasserabscheider Filtro separador de agua 5 Valvola di intercettazione...

Page 45: ...Carter Schlagwerkgeh use Carcasa de mazas G Attacco aria compressa Air inlet Orifice alimentation air comprim Anschlussnippel Conexi n del aire comprimido I Invertitore di rotazione Rotation reverse s...


Page 47: ...Anello Quadro 3 4 Inch Retaining Ring 3 4 Square Drive Shaft 1 06 D 09 02 0007 OR NBR 11 8X2 4 Retainer O Ring 3 4 Square Drive Shaft 1 07 D 01 04 0044 Albero 3 4 Inch Corto 3 4 Square Drive Shaft 1 0...

Page 48: ...22 D 01 15 0018 Cuscinetto A Sfere 16004 Ball Bearing 1 23 L 08 0025 Flangia Motore Anteriore Front Motor Housing 1 24 D 01 30 0015 Rotore Rotor 1 25 B 23 0053 Kit Spine Fermo Motore Stop Pin Motor K...

Page 49: ...ilter 1 A D 01 01 0052 Impugnatura Completa Anodizzata Nero Whole Gun Body 1 B D 01 01 0053 Impugnatura Completa Con Regolatore di Potenza Anodiz Nero Whole Gun Body With Regulator 1 C D 01 16 0026 Fl...

Page 50: ...Hammer mechanism lubrication Grease 1 Raccord carr 2 Capacit boulons 3 Couple maxi 4 Couple recommand 5 Masse 6 Vitesse libre 7 Pression de travail 8 Entr e d air 9 Diam tre int rieur du tuyau de l a...

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Page 52: ...DP 196 Release 01 2019 DINO PAOLI s r l Via G Dorso 5 42124 Reggio nell Emilia RE Italy Phone 39 0522 364 511 Fax 39 0522 304 864 info paoli net www paoli net...
