Once the entire Wall Spreader System has, with the aid of a helper, been
placed at the desired height, pulled out to the required length and the clamping
rings tightened, pressure can then be applied to the system.
In order to do this, the two straining screws on both sides are tightened
equally, thus forming the required arch upwards.
A span A of 10m/33ft. should not be exceeded. Here, an arch with a
height of approx. 40-45cm/17´´ is prescribed. Placing the load in the
middle can increase the load capacity.
The clamping ring connection must be really tight in order to take a maximum
load of 75 kg/165 lbs in the middle of the arch. A span A of 6m/20ft. must not
be exceeded in order to reach that payload.
A = 6 m/20ft.
max. 75 kg/165 lbs
B = ca. 35cm
approx. 1ft.
The resulting arch on the Wall Spreader has to be braced. The struts are
arranged using the double clamping ring. To support the struts on the wall,
buffers are attached to the ends of the tubes. To be able to attach the struts
free from play, the rubber buffers are unscrewed. Should a double clamping
ring be placed on the thinner inside tube, the plastic sleeves have to be used
to make up the difference in diameter.
TIP: When attaching heavy loads onto the system, it is recommended that 2
clamping rings are attached one immediately after the other.
For human it is not allowed to hang up on or to stay below that
spanning systems!