Whenever I press “read” under projector controls in the control software, I get partial data
filled in. How do I confirm good communication and get all default fields filled in?
A: Please ensure you have good RS-232 cable. Sometimes communication can hang, please
disconnect the 3.5mm to 9-pin adapter cable from the AT-HDVS-RX and reconnect to solve this
Q: Does this unit require a Null Modem adapter/cable to connect to a display?
A: The need for a Null modem adapter is based on the requirements of your RS-232 enabled
display. Please refer to the manufacturer manual for proper pin configuration.
Q: I am having problem setting up the system, what could I be doing wrong?
A: Please refer to this video for instructions.
Q: I get HDMI audio just fine but not through VGA.
A: Please check the audio settings in the Receiver’s Menu as you will need to select L/R audio for
the 3.5mm to be used.
Q: Even if the source is unplugged via AT-HDVS-TX/RX, does it still send a signal to the
projector or TV?
A: Yes. Because the AT-HDVS-RX is also a scaler with OSD so there is always a signal/5V presence
on the video out. As a result, it is not recommended to use AT-HDVS-RX with auto-sensing
Q: RS-232 power commands are not storing in the HDVS-RX. After you Send the commands,
Read is not populating the commands (clears anything in the Display On / Display Off
A: First Unplug everything (power, category cable and HDMI) from the HDVS-RX for 10 seconds.
Reconnect everything and wait until the video returns. Try sending the RS-232 commands again.
If the first suggestion does not fix the issue try typing in the RS-232 commands, Save the
configuration, Load that configuration and then Send/Read. Verify that the commands have
Q: RS-232 commands are not coming through as they were entered, text and or hex are
random characters.
A: Make sure the RS-232 stereo plug is fully seated. Being not fully seated can cause the RS-232
characters to become random data. Make sure that only the HDVS-RX is powered. If the
customer is using the HDVS-TX, they should not be using it’s power supply when using the HDVS-