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The synchronization of the remote control can be canceled because of the cut power. So
the new synchronization is necesary.
1– Switch off the circuit breaker , o switch off the the hood by pressing switch of the diferencial
case.(see photo).
2 – Switch on the circuit breaker o the diferencial case of the hood.
3 -
: when the step 2 is done,
but before 20 seconds pass, please direct the re-
mote control to the hood and keep pressed the button “Light” until the lighst of the hood
swith on.
4.- The operating frequence of the hood is recorded and the hood is synchronized.
When the hood is installed and the differencial case is switched on, before 20 seconds
pass, please keep pressed the button “light” until the lights of the hood swith on. This
way the hood records the operating frequency of the remote control and toperating of
the hood is correct.
* Syncronization of the remote control with the hood:
SYNCRONIZATION OF THE REMOTE CONTROL (ceiling hoods E-200/210 series)
* switch/
diferencial case