DEMOQE128 User Manual
Press the push button labeled PTA2. This will cause a fixed duty
cycle pulse-width modulation signal to be output on the PTC1 pin.
The PTC1 waveform is shown on analyzer channel IN1.
Rotate the potentiometer W1. This will change the duty cycle of the
variable pulse-width modulation signal output on the PTC0 pin. The
PTC0 waveform is shown on analyzer channel IN0.
Click on the “Close Port” button when you are finished using the util-
Some of the toolkit applications capture and display data from the
DEMOQE128 board. The faster the PC is, the more rapid and smooth the
data display in these utilities will be.
Note that the above image is shown with the IN0 channel zoomed in. Each
analyzer channel has several features including the ability to be zoomed and
paused. For more information on DEMOQE Toolkit, see the board user
manual (DEMOQE128UM.pdf) included in the DVD under “DEMOQE128 >
DEMOQE128 User Manual” in the navigation panel on the left side of DVD
menu. For the latest DEMOQE Toolkit utilities, please visit http://
LAB 2: Migrate Quickly from 8-Bit To 32-Bit
This lab will show you how to quickly migrate an application between the 8-bit
and 32-bit Flexis QE128 microcontrollers. The Flexis brand delivers pin-to-pin
compatibility, one development tool, and the same peripherals between the 8-
bit and 32-bit devices. This lab will demonstrate an upward migration from 8-
bit to 32-bit, but the opposite is just as simple. Continuing with the Quick Start
Application that is pre-loaded in the microcontroller’s on-chip flash memory,
you will now use the CodeWarrior MCU Change Wizard to retarget and
rebuild your project from the 8-bit to the 32-bit QE128 microcontroller.
Open CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers. From the Windows Start
menu, locate it under “Programs>Freescale CodeWarrior>CW for
Microcontroller V6.0>CodeWarrior IDE” path.