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always in Bandpass mode. The cutoff control signal is the same as for the first
one, except that FRQ 2
is an adjustable offset corresponding to a fixed
harmonic interval between them. Using two resonances provides an excellent
way to generate sounds with vowel-like formants, resembling human voice.
The offset is defined in semitone steps. If you set it to zero, then the second
filter is turned off.
The filter type can be selected here. It can be LOWPASS,
HIGHPASS, BANDPASS, NOTCH or OFF. OFF means that the filter is bypassed.
The resonance sharpness of the filter can be
adjusted on the scale of Q=0.7...12.7).
24 dB / 12 dB (0..1):
The filter mode can be set as 24 dB/octave (1) or 12
dB/octave (0).
LFO Block
A dedicated LFO can be used to modulate the VCF and the VCO.
LFO FREQ (1..127):
Sets the frequency of the LFO.
LFO DELAY (0..127):
An envelope is started at every picking of the bass that
fades in the LFO amplitude with a variable delay. If it is set to zero then the LFO
amplitude is set immediately.
The LFO amplitude can be set for both
Port MIDI + Keyboard Block
The parameters in this block are relevant only if FI is used through MIDI IN.
Actually FI has internally separate modes for using it with bass or using it
through MIDI IN, but it does not require a “switch”. Switching between these
modes happens automatically. Whenever a proper audio signal appears at the
bass input, it switches to Bass Mode, and whenever a NOTE ON appears at the
MIDI IN it switches to MIDI Mode. So, if you want to use it through the MIDI
input then take care that no audio signal appears on the bass input. While in
Bass Mode the filter cutoff can be controlled by the envelope of the bass
signal, in Keyboard Mode this control will adjust the effect of key velocity on
the VCF cutoff.
If this is set to non-zero value, the pitch will glide
from one note to the other with an adjustable time.
FIX TM (0) means that the portamento time will
always be the same, no matter how large is the pitch step. FIX RT (1) means
that the portamento rate will always be the same, so the time to reach the
target note will depend on the distance between the starting note and the