background image

Use this product for indoor use only. 

Do not expose this product to direct sunlight for
hours and do not install the product near a
heater or an air conditioner, otherwise it may
cause deformation, discolouration and malfunc-
tion. Keep this product away from water. 

Avoid installing in the following locations. 

• Locations where it may get wet from rain or

water splash 

• Locations where a chemical agent is used

such as a swimming pool (not only outdoor) 

• Locations subject to steam and oil smoke

such as a kitchen 

• Locations near flammable gas or vapor 
• Locations where radiation or x-ray emis-

sions are produced 

• Locations subject to strong magnetic field

or radio waves 

• Locations where corrosive gas is produced 
• Locations where it may be damaged by

briny air such as seashores 

• Locations where the temperature is not

within –10 °C - +50 °C .

• Locations subject to vibrations (this prod-

uct is not designed for on-vehicle use.) 

Installing place 

Contact your dealer for assistance if you are
unsure of an appropriate place in your particu-
lar environment.

Do not install the camera in a humid or
dust-laden environment. 

Otherwise, lifetime of the internal parts may be

Be sure to remove this apparatus if it is not
in use.

Radio interference 

When the product is used near TV/radio anten-
na, strong electric field or magnetic field (near
a motor or a transformer), images may be dis-
torted and noise sound may be produced. 

Mounting screws 

It is necessary to procure screws or bolts to
mount the product. Prepare them according to
the material and strength of the area where the
camera is to be installed. The screws and bolts
must be tightened with an appropriate tighten-
ing torque according to the material and
strength of the installation area.

Major Operating Controls and Their Functions



Video output connector 

Composite video signals are transmitted. If
this unit is connected to the multiplex unit,
the multiplexed VD2 that is prioritized over
INT is automatically selected. 



This marker is used when the top cover is


Dip switch 

Selects ON/OFF of white balance, backlight
compensation, Adaptive Black Stretch or
Simple day/night mode. 

Simple day/night mode selector [D/N] 


: The camera selects black-and-white

mode if the picture is dark, or color
mode if the picture is bright enough. 


: Color picture is displayed normally.

Default setting

: OFF 


The simple day/night function is estab-
lished by utilising the SENSE UP func-
tion for B/W images. The IR filter is

Adaptive Black Stretch selector [B.S.] 


: The dark area of the object is auto-

matically corrected to lighten it. 


: Does not compensate. 

Default setting

: ON


In the case of "ON" setting, noise may
be increased in the dark area of the
In addition, darkness and brightness
may be emphasized in the vicinity of
the boundary between the dark and
bright areas. 

Backlight compensation selector [BLC] 


: Compensates the background auto-

matically if it is brighter than the


: This mode is used when the front of

the object is extremely bright. 

Default setting

: OFF 


Under some conditions, such as
extremely strong backlight, the desired
compensation effect may not be
achieved even if the mode is set to ON
to detect the backlight level. 

White balance selector[ATW/AWC]


: Activates the automatic color tem-

perature tracking mode. The camera
continuously measures the color tem-
perature of the light source and auto-
matically adjusts the white balance.
The adjustment of the color tempera-
ture ranges from approx. 2 700 K to 
6 000 K.


: Activates the automatic white bal-

ance control mode. This adjustment is
suitable for a location where a light
source is stable. The adjustment of the
color temperature ranges from approx.
2 000 K to 10 000 K. 

Default setting



Focus lock lever

Fixes the focus position after adjusting.


Zoom lock lever

Fix the zoom position after adjusting.


Azimuth adjuster 

Adjusts the azimuth angle of the camera.


Tilting table 

Adjusts the tilting position of the camera. 


Panning table 

Adjusts the panning position of the cam-


Panning table lock screw [LOCK] 

Fixes the panning table. 


Power cable 

Supplies 24 V AC or 12 V DC from an exter-
nal power source. 


Monitor output jack (RCA jack)

Connects the LCD monitor and such
devices for checking images.

Installations and Connections


Using a two-gang junction box

When using a two-gang junction box (4"x4"),
procure one locally that meets the dimensions
in the figure.
Next locally procure four camera mounting
screws suitable for the installation surface and
structure of the wall/ceiling or two-gang junc-
tion box. 

Processed section of the side 
surface of the cover

Disassembling the Camera 


Peel off the protection sheet from the
top cover

Don't remove completely as this protects
the dome during installation.

To mount the camera on a two-gang
junction box 

1. Install the two-gang junction box onto the


2. Mount the camera onto the two-gang junc-

tion box with 4 screws (procured locally). 

3. Fasten all of the mounting screws. 

Camera mounting screw x4 (not supplied)

The mounting requirements are shown as fol-




(Direct mounting)

Recommended screw and
tightening torque

M4,1.6N·m {16 k



Number of

4 pcs.

Minimum pullout

196 N/pc.{20 k











Make sure that the installed mount bracket can support more than 5 times of the weight of the


Top cover fixing screw (M3)

The following installation should be made by qualified service personnel or system installers.



• Procure 4 mounting screws according to the material of the installation area. In this case, wood

screws and nails should not be used.
Recommended tightening torque is as follows: 
M4: 1.6 N·m {16 k



• Required pull-out capacity of a single screw/bolt is 196 N {20 k


f} or more. 

• If a ceiling board such as plaster board is too weak to support the total weight, the area shall be

sufficiently reinforced. 

• The protection sheet attached to the dome cover should be peeled off after installation. 

Direct mounting 

If the camera is directly mounted on a wall/ceil-
ing, align the camera mounting position with the
position of the hole through which the cables
run and make the hole.

If no hole is made through a wall/ceiling and
open wiring along a wall/ceiling is used, please
remove the dust guard cap,take out the
cable,don't forget put back the dust guard
cap.Then process the cover so that the cables
can be run through the side of the cover.


Remove the top cover. 

• Screw off the screw for fixing the top cover.
• Adjust the marker on this unit to "I" on the

top cover, and turn the top cover counter-
clockwise to remove it. 

• The clear dome cover and the inner dome

cover are joined into a single unit.
Therefore, never try to remove them. 

To mount the camera directly on the

1. Prepare the mounting space.
2. Place the camera onto the wall/ceiling and

mark four screw positions with a pen.

3. Mount the camera onto the wall/ceiling with 4

screws (procured locally). 

4. Fasten all of the mounting screws. 
