ActiveX Control
A software module developed by Microsoft. It is used
to add functions, downloaded from a web server via
the Internet or intranet, to Internet Explorer. The
recorder uses it to display video.
Bit rate
Indicates how many bits of data can be processed or
transmitted in a unit of time. Generally, the units are in
bps, or bits per second. Used to indicate the com-
pression rate of video and audio data, and how much
data a communications line can send and receive in 1
Broadband router
Router used to access the Internet via high-speed
ADSL or fiber optic lines.
Camera operation
Operations of the camera connected to the recorder
such as pan and tilt (horizontal and vertical position),
zooming, focusing, brightness (iris adjustment), pre-
set motions (movement towards a set horizontal and
vertical position) and auto functions (automatic cam-
era rotation, etc.).
DDNS (Dynamic DNS)
A technology for dynamically translating DNS server
information to enable the transfer of only differences
in information between DNS servers (refer to "DNS").
Default gateway
Network device used as a gateway for networks,
such as a local network, to access PCs on an exter-
nal network.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
A protocol that enables PCs to automatically get
information from a server needed for accessing a net-
Digital zoom
The function that enlarges live images and playback
images during playback. The digital zoom enlarges
the images by the recorder and is separate from the
zoom function included as part of the camera opera-
tions for enlarged images.
DNS (Domain Name System)
The long lists of numbers or IP addresses that are
used in network environments are difficult to remem-
ber, which makes them impractical. This is why PCs
are given an easy-to-follow name (domain name)
which is converted to an IP address before they are
communicated with. The DNS provides translation
between domain names and IP addresses.
Event action
A specific action to be taken at an event occurrence.
When "ALM" is selected, the occurrence of an event
is announced by displaying a notification on the mon-
itor, lighting the status indicators and sounding the
buzzer. When "ADM" is selected, the occurrence of
an event will not be announced and only recording
and filing of event logs will be performed. In OFF
mode, only an event log is filed.
Event recording
Function for starting recording automatically when an
event occurs. Event recording includes Pre-event
recording that records images before the event and
event recording that records images after the event.
Indicates an occurrence that causes the recorder to
take an event action. Events include terminal alarm,
command alarm, camera site alarm and face match-
ing alarm, etc.
Face matching
Refers to a function that detects facial features of
people in images and matches them against similar
facial features recorded earlier. The recorder can be
set up to output an alarm signal when the detection
result is positive.
FHD(Full HD)
Resolution with 1920 x 1080 pixels.
A type of security used when accessing outside net-
works like the Internet. A PC is used to prevent com-
puters outside a local network from accessing the
Frame rate (ips)
Refers to the unit that determines the smoothness
with which the recorded images are played back.
"ips" indicates the number of recorded frames in 1
second. The higher the number, the smoother the
movement, but the available recording time becomes