The KX-BP800 series is equipped with two interactive functions; Projector mode and Whiteboard mode, in
addition to a regular electronic print board that utilizes plain paper. It is possible to use this product as follows.
• Electronic print board
• Allows copying up to 9 copies per screen
• Allows printing in 2 level contrast (Normal / Dark)
• Allows printing of 2-screens at the time by compressing them into a single sheet of paper
• Projector mode (Interactive function)
Connect the Interactive Panaboard to a computer that is connected to a projector and use the projector to
project the image onto the Interactive Panaboard.
This is called the Projector mode.
In this mode, the following operations are possible:
• Operating the computer using the Electronic Pen with its cap on as a mouse
• Drawing handwritten lines or erasing it using the Electronic Pen with its cap on in the projected image
• Saving the projected image to an image file and printing the projected image
• Recording the operations of drawing and erasing handwritten lines, playing back and editing the
recorded operations later
In Projector mode, the projected computer image on the screen of the Interactive Panaboard can be
operated by using the Electronic Pen as a mouse. You can execute the application and electronically write
or erase notes. The electronically handwritten or partially erased computer image can be stored into an
image file. This will help make your presentation more impressive to the attendants.